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Reiki Facts From Fiction


Some people say that Reiki was re-discovered by Mikao Usui, that Reiki is a long lost healing art originating in Tibet (or India or Egypt or Atlantis or...)


Reiki is not a re-discovered healing art. There were many different forms of hands-on and energy healing, prior to Reiki and there continue to be many different forms of healing today. Reiki as we know it was developed by Mikao Usui following his satori (enlightenment) while fasting during a retreat on Mt Kurama. Usui Reiki Ryoho is a distinct and unique system developed that has set teachings and methods that define the system. Symbols and kotomdama are used which allow you to match the frequency of a condition with the frequency of the energy you use to heal.

In his own handwritten documents, Usui Sensei has said 'The Usui Reiki Therapy is something no one before has discovered and bears no comparison with any other treatment in the world'.


It is often announced that Reiki has origins in various different countries and that the symbols have been found on Tibetan walls or in China or India.


Reiki is a Japanese healing art becasue it was develped by a Japanese man Mikao Usui, in Japan, based on his experiences, training and spiritual practices. All that is needed are the symbols provided by Usui uised according to the methods of the system. For reference, Tibetan Reiki originated in the United States.


Many claim that the Reiki symbols are just a focus for intent. They see them as training wheels to give the student something to focus on which once they become proficient at healing can be respectfully discarded.


The Reiki symbols are an integral part of Usui Reiki Ryoho. The symbols along with their corresponding jumon and kotodama are used to connect to and channel energy.

The Reiki symbols are integral to Usui Reiki Ryoho and the Japanese concept that shapes have power and when combined with the appropriate kotodama and jumon allow the Reiki practitioner to access the relevant vibration (or frequency) from the universe.

Energy can be channelled without the Usui Reiki Ryoho symbols, there are many forms of energy healing that work without symbols or kotodama or jumon, but they are not Usui Reiki Ryoho. By removing the symbols from the system, the system is no longer Usui Reiki Ryoho.

A student of Hayashi explained this very same thing in an article written in 1928 'I have experienced/researched some treatments but Reiki is the best as far as I know. Reiki is the most unique and the most effective, it can really heal any disease... when my hands with activated blood are put on the patient's body, I think my blood vibration may promote the patient's blood vibration. Blood current, vibration may become the same' ("A Treatment to Heal Diseases, Hand Healing" by Shouoh Matsui in the magazine "Sunday Mainichi", Mar. 4, 1928). It is also worth noting that the frequencies of the symbols may clash so they should always be used separately unless guided for a specific healing by intuition.


Some say that you can show the Reiki symbols to anyone and it does not matter who sees them because no harm will come of it.


The Reiki symbols have a sacred geometry and should be respected and not shown to anyone who has not learned Reiki level 1 and 2. The symbol's geometry evokes a certain kind of energy and should be used only by Reiki practitioners trained in their safe and effective use. Reiki is a Japanese art and is based on certain cultural beliefs. Out of respect for the founder of Reiki Mikao Usui and the cultural heritage of Reiki we should honour the traditions of Reiki and not show anyone the Reiki symbols, unless they are a qualified Reiki practitioner.


Some Reiki healers and Reiki teachers say that Reiki simply allows the body to heal itself. It does not matter where they place their hands because the energy is intelligent and will go where it needs to. They also say that Reiki can do no harm.


Reiki uses variable frequency energy applied to the appropriate areas that need the energy. The founder of Reiki said in an interview "if someone has eye diseses I treat the eyes, if someone as stomach disease I treat the stomach" The most effective way to use Reiki is to use intention and visualisation along with the Reiki energy.

Using Reiki in such a passive way is not making effective use of this amazing healing art. By claiming that the energy is intelligent it takes the responsibility away from the practitioner, so that they can do as they please without any liability.

It is your responsibility as a Reiki practitioner to treat your clients to the best of your ability.

People may well say the energy is intelligent, but in practice, the energy goes where the practitioner directs it. It is far more effective to apply the energy at the area of need and with intention and visualisation to maximise the healing effect.


It is quite common for Reiki healers and Reiki teachers to say that they are merely channels for the energy.


You were put on this earth with many abilities and you have every reason to take an active and responsible role in healing, you are much more than just a channel for the energy. Of course you heal with the highest good of all concerned and God or The Universe will always retain control of what ultimately happens. You have to remember though that we have much within our power if we decide to use it. If you decide to learn Reiki, use Reiki to it's full potential and accept that as discussed below Reiki must be used wisely and carefully because there are contraindications.


Reiki has no contraindications.


Reiki does not have contraindications when used on its own. However, where an individual is under the care of medical practitioners and is taking prescribed medication there may be a need to work in conjunction with the medical practitioners. Part of being a Reiki healer is taking responsibility for your client's welfare while they are under your treatment and understanding that Reiki may have a positive effect on the client's condition

What this means in practice is ensuring you have an understanding of the client's conditions and medications and whether their medical practitioner needs to be aware of the Reiki treatments the client wants to receive. Basically the issue is if the condition improves, does the medication need to be adjusted to ensure the client's well-being? An example would be a client with mental illness on prescribed medication: any change in the client's condition would require a change in dosage - this can only be doen by their doctor therefore their doctor must be aware and I would suggest authorise the Reiki treatments.

You must be aware of everything when you are treating clients, such as doctor's instructions, medication, the law along with other contraindications of Reiki. A Reiki healer is not just an inert channel a Reiki healer is an active participant in the healing process.


There are some Reiki practitioners and Reiki teachers that specify a fixed time gap between level 1 and level 2 Reiki courses.


This time delay is totally unnecessary. Level 1 Reiki teaches you to use Rei healing which is spiritual healing for yourself. It will not allow you to heal physical or emotional problems. The Reiki teacher needs to explain to the student that Reiki Level 1 is purely spiritual healing and it is Reiki Level 2, which enables healing on a much deeper level. A student of Reiki can become very disillusioned if they are misled to believe that they can walk away after their Level 1 course and heal anything. The Reiki attunement at Level 2 is much more powerful, raises the student's frequency much higher and brings a greater connection with God or The Universe. It is in most cases preferential to learn the Reiki Level 1 and 2 courses over two days, one following the other. This way the Reiki student leaves with a practitioner's qualification and the ability to heal themselves and others in the best possible way

You can move onto the next level of your Reiki course whenever it is right for you. Everyone has a different higher path and will move along that path at differing speeds. For some people learning Reiki is something very natural to them and they can quickly progress from one level to another for others it will be a much slower progression. It really depends on how enlightened you are, how much self-healing you do and your lifestyle after your Reiki training.

There needs to be a gap between becoming a Reiki Practitioner and teaching Reiki but it does not have to be a year or 6 months or any other given time. It is always the time that is right for you as an individual with a particular path in life.

© Copyright Dawn Mellowship 2004

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